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Thursday, November 11, 2010

Rite of Spring.

you know when it comes to certain songs there is always a subliminal message that is trying to be sent. like with the band Angels and Airwaves. every single one of their songs has some inspirational message. like Rite of Spring for example. for some god for saken reason i adore this song. maybe because it seems so realistic.

"...if i had a chance for another try i wouldn't change a thing its made me all of who i am inside..."

those lyrics...if anythings going to inspire you to do something with your life its going to be something that expresses how even with all these things going on around you, good or bad, they make you who you are. create you into the person you become. sometimes they are bad traits but sometimes they are actually good.....maybe realizing that will make it easier to get through the difficult moments in the long run.

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